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Monday, August 3

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Protestors gathered outside of the Princeton YMCA at 1:30 p.m. and began a socially-distanced march down Paul Robeson Place, then Tulane Street, Nassau Street, and eventually Witherspoon Street. The march culminated in a series of public speeches by the organizers at Hinds Plaza. 



周刊 - · 群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通 车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信 箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施 细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批 转、办理和答复等流程。目前,全省 三级法院192个法院网站都开通了 “院长信箱”,极大地方便了当事人反 映诉求。



人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

PART I | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

PART I | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

Photo Credits: University Press Club 2015, Joanna Anyanwu ’15, Destiny Crockett ’17, and Yicheng Sun ’16 / The Daily Princetonian. Design Credit: Harsimran Makkad / The Daily Princetonian

Walking into Nassau Hall, the students had every expectation of returning to their dorms that evening. But five, 10, 20 hours later, they were still in Eisgruber’s office.


Anti-Racist Reading Review: Between the World and Me

“The classroom was a jail of other people’s interests,” he says. “The library was open, unending, free.” Graphic by Harsimran Makkad / Daily Princetonian

人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

Visit our first-ever frosh issue website!

Visit our first-ever frosh issue website!


How the eating clubs went coed

Harsimran Makkad / The Daily Princetonian


Thirty years since the NJ Supreme Court ruled against Princeton’s last all-male eating clubs, The Daily Princetonian takes a look back at the decade-long fight for equality on the Street.

‘Walking at the frontier’: professor William Massey ’77, trailblazing Black mathematician and mentor

First annual CAARMS conference, held at the MSRI institute Berkley, California, 1995.
Courtesy of Mathematicians of the African Diaspora

‘Walking at the frontier’: professor William Massey ’77, trailblazing Black mathematician and mentor

Nineteen years ago, when Massey stood in front of a committee of white Princeton professors, waiting as they pondered his academic fate, no Black mathematician had ever been awarded tenure at an Ivy League university. When the committee was through, he had become the first.


Free speech is racial too

Free speech is racial too


What’s (not) in a name?

Resetting sexual misconduct to the (Title) IX’s

Resetting sexual misconduct to the (Title) IX’s

Petition of the concerned Black alumni of Princeton

Petition of the concerned Black alumni of Princeton

周刊 - · 群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通 车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信 箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施 细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批 转、办理和答复等流程。目前,全省 三级法院192个法院网站都开通了 “院长信箱”,极大地方便了当事人反 映诉求。



周刊 - · 群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通 车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信 箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施 细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批 转、办理和答复等流程。目前,全省 三级法院192个法院网站都开通了 “院长信箱”,极大地方便了当事人反 映诉求。

Good trouble: John Lewis and the urgency of today

Good trouble: John Lewis and the urgency of today


Q&A with activist and former N.J. Senate candidate Lawrence Hamm ’78

Q&A with activist and former N.J. Senate candidate Lawrence Hamm ’78

Hamm marching with protestors in Newark after the killing of George Floyd.
Courtesy of Lawrence Hamm

“You know, we have to have grassroots movements that are not controlled by money power to in fact ...

Office of Sustainability solicits feedback on draft of Environmental Justice Framework

Office of Sustainability solicits feedback on draft of Environmental Justice Framework

Jon Ort / The Daily Princetonian

The framework acknowledges that the Office’s employees are “a primarily white staff in a predominately ...

PART II | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

Student protestors set up tents outside Nassau Hall.
Courtesy of University Press Club live-blog


‘The early warning signs are not pretty’: Eviction Lab researchers study end of federal moratorium

Jon Ort / The Daily Princetonian

‘The early warning signs are not pretty’: Eviction Lab researchers study end of federal moratorium

Katz defends ‘blunt words’ in op-ed, as Department of Classics removes condemnation from website

Jon Ort / The Daily Princetonian

Katz defends ‘blunt words’ in op-ed, as Department of Classics removes condemnation from website

Princeton will not cut any varsity teams

Men's hockey starters huddle before a game at Baker Rink. Photo by Tom Salotti / Daily Princetonian

比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方 ...:2021-11-20 · 原标题:比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方!不知不觉2021年已经不足两个月的时间在全国大部分城市都处在冻成狗的天气,不少人说:“我想去海岛游泳!”@图虫YangBohan今天小编给你伊介绍一处冬天最该去的地方比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜不超过300




Princeton University Stadium.  
Photo Credit: Joe Shlabotnik / Flickr

Check out the progression of decisions about athletics as the spread of COVID-19 picked up in the United States.

Bella Alarie ’20 signs with Under Armour

Bella Alarie ’20 signs with Under Armour

Ivy League cancels fall athletic competition

Ivy League cancels fall athletic competition

中国行业云安全PCSF论坛推动私有云等级保护升级-伋业 ...:2021-10-26 · 联系我伊 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图

Senior quarterback Kevin Davidson signs with Cleveland Browns


比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方 ...:2021-11-20 · 原标题:比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方!不知不觉2021年已经不足两个月的时间在全国大部分城市都处在冻成狗的天气,不少人说:“我想去海岛游泳!”@图虫YangBohan今天小编给你伊介绍一处冬天最该去的地方比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜不超过300

Bella Alarie ’20 selected fifth overall in WNBA draft · 田区网际直通车 网吧 340403000004477 张梓瑞 安徽省淮南市田区国庆东路 340400000028260757 淮南市宜都环保发展有限公司 340421000024485 闫德林 安徽省淮南市 ...

Campus Rec offers intramural e-sports on PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices

Campus Rec offers intramural e-sports on PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices

OP-ED | ‘Time will prove this choice misguided’: A group of Princeton athletes speak out

OP-ED | ‘Time will prove this choice misguided’: A group of Princeton athletes speak out

The Prospect



Courtesy of Carrie Bly

中国行业云安全PCSF论坛推动私有云等级保护升级-伋业 ...:2021-10-26 · 联系我伊 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图

Making peace with senior year

Making peace with senior year

DISPATCH | Eight minutes and 46 seconds

DISPATCH | Eight minutes and 46 seconds

人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

胡锦涛开通“网络民意直通车”-东北网国内-东北网:2021-6-28 · 早在2021年,胡锦涛、温家宝就公开了网民身伇,向外界展现对互联网的重视;2021至2021年,温家宝连续四年在“两会”中外记者招待会上主动问候中国网民,并感谢网民分忧,公开肯定了这种“民意直达高层直通车”的沟通方式;去年初,中共中央政治局集体学习

How lucky we are to be alive right now: Reflections on “Hamilton,” grief, and 2023

比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方 ...:2021-11-20 · 原标题:比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方!不知不觉2021年已经不足两个月的时间在全国大部分城市都处在冻成狗的天气,不少人说:“我想去海岛游泳!”@图虫YangBohan今天小编给你伊介绍一处冬天最该去的地方比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜不超过300

DISPATCH | Great American road trip

DISPATCH | Great American road trip


Did Princeton make the best decision? A guide for those grieving, considering gap years, and (for the first time) wishing they could transfer to Cornell

The two faces of Dayton police


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周刊 - · 群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通 车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信 箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施 细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批 转、办理和答复等流程。目前,全省 三级法院192个法院网站都开通了 “院长信箱”,极大地方便了当事人反 映诉求。



Tracking COVID-19 in New Jersey


Over 400 alumni call on the U.S. govt. to assist Maria Ressa ’86

Over 400 alumni call on the U.S. govt. to assist Maria Ressa ’86

中国行业云安全PCSF论坛推动私有云等级保护升级-伋业 ...:2021-10-26 · 联系我伊 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图

Students will know ‘whether a one-year leave is possible’ by mid-August, says U.

中国行业云安全PCSF论坛推动私有云等级保护升级-伋业 ...:2021-10-26 · 联系我伊 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图


Financial Aid FAQ outlines three student budget plans for fall 2023

高清盗版风暴:大年初三,我已经下载好全部春节档电影 ...:2021-4-29 · 8年前,知名盗版网站VeryCD一度传出关停消息,曾引起大量网友涌入网站,希望抢在关停前把资源都下载下来。8年后,《流浪地球》主创的微博下,网友的留言却变成了举报盗版链接。“每天都有观众给我伊发来的私信,协助我伊打击盗版。这是我最没想到的,非常感动。

胡锦涛开通“网络民意直通车”-东北网国内-东北网:2021-6-28 · 早在2021年,胡锦涛、温家宝就公开了网民身伇,向外界展现对互联网的重视;2021至2021年,温家宝连续四年在“两会”中外记者招待会上主动问候中国网民,并感谢网民分忧,公开肯定了这种“民意直达高层直通车”的沟通方式;去年初,中共中央政治局集体学习

Eating clubs will close in the fall ‘for the first time in more than a century’

粤澳提出全面构建合作新格局-粤澳-东北网国内:2021-12-9 · 新华网广州12月9日电 8日上午在珠海召开的2021年粤澳合作联席会议提出,"十一五"期间,澳门特别行政区和广东省政府将继续秉承"前瞻、全局、务实、互利"原则,积极拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,全面构建粤澳经贸合作新格局、民生合作新格局和文化合作新格局。


人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。


No, publishing racist research is not progress: Why we need to reshape our understanding of academic freedom

No, publishing racist research is not progress: Why we need to reshape our understanding of academic freedom

Zooming behind: We can do better


Chinese Americans in the era of the “China virus”

Chinese Americans in the era of the “China virus”

Out of control: COVID-19 and disordered eating

Out of control: COVID-19 and disordered eating

Racist research must be named, but often allowed




周刊 - · 群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通 车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信 箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施 细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批 转、办理和答复等流程。目前,全省 三级法院192个法院网站都开通了 “院长信箱”,极大地方便了当事人反 映诉求。

After the storm passes, a new Princeton

After the storm passes, a new Princeton

人民法院报 - · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

Our move: let’s take the faculty letter forward

胡锦涛开通“网络民意直通车”-东北网国内-东北网:2021-6-28 · 早在2021年,胡锦涛、温家宝就公开了网民身伇,向外界展现对互联网的重视;2021至2021年,温家宝连续四年在“两会”中外记者招待会上主动问候中国网民,并感谢网民分忧,公开肯定了这种“民意直达高层直通车”的沟通方式;去年初,中共中央政治局集体学习


粤澳提出全面构建合作新格局-粤澳-东北网国内:2021-12-9 · 新华网广州12月9日电 8日上午在珠海召开的2021年粤澳合作联席会议提出,"十一五"期间,澳门特别行政区和广东省政府将继续秉承"前瞻、全局、务实、互利"原则,积极拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,全面构建粤澳经贸合作新格局、民生合作新格局和文化合作新格局。

‘It really seemed like we were in a movie’: Bridge Year Bolivia, political tumult, and COVID-19


Community through a computer screen: student volunteers adjust amid COVID-19


粤澳提出全面构建合作新格局-粤澳-东北网国内:2021-12-9 · 新华网广州12月9日电 8日上午在珠海召开的2021年粤澳合作联席会议提出,"十一五"期间,澳门特别行政区和广东省政府将继续秉承"前瞻、全局、务实、互利"原则,积极拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,全面构建粤澳经贸合作新格局、民生合作新格局和文化合作新格局。

‘Take a breath’: Two alumnae of the Great Recession on graduating in crisis

粤澳提出全面构建合作新格局-粤澳-东北网国内:2021-12-9 · 新华网广州12月9日电 8日上午在珠海召开的2021年粤澳合作联席会议提出,"十一五"期间,澳门特别行政区和广东省政府将继续秉承"前瞻、全局、务实、互利"原则,积极拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,全面构建粤澳经贸合作新格局、民生合作新格局和文化合作新格局。

What Zoom Reunions can't replace: alumni reflect on the weekend that might have been

What Zoom Reunions can't replace: alumni reflect on the weekend that might have been

In WRI 163: Contagion, class readings have become reality

In WRI 163: Contagion, class readings have become reality

‘Answer the call’: Princeton students volunteer to help medical workers

‘Answer the call’: Princeton students volunteer to help medical workers


Cornel West, Robert George talk free speech, campus memory, and courage


Princeton releases campus policy and ICE makes a dramatic change — Rapid Reactions on Zoom

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